Monday, February 23, 2009

Where's Charlton Heston when you need him?

Chinese has managed to poison some more of their people with tainted food once again. I'm beginning to think that a conspiracy is going on. Poison in the baby formula, toxic paint on the toys, food with pesticide type chemicals.......China is filled with many intelligent people so to be this stupid and careless can't be an accident. I'm beginning to think this is a form of population control. First they started with the one child per family rule, now they are weeding out the population via other methods. Think about it. Those most susceptible to food poisoning are the elderly, those immunocompromised, and children. They are getting the elderly pushed into the ground that much sooner via tainted food, same with those that are sick, and those pesky little girl infants they don't like are exterminated as well via formula (or toys just in case mom is breastfeeding). This is perhaps China's stimulus recovery idea. Of course, there is another idea for population control all together. Remember Solyent Green? Wait a minute, they may have already thought of this..........

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Homeless Octo Mom

A foreclosure notice was served on the residence where Nadya Suleman plans to raise her litter of children. She somehow managed to leave out this little detail when she was being interviewed. Not only will she be sucking up tax payer’s money via welfare, she probably will also try to benefit from the stimulus package with this. I thought her mother owned the house? This story just gets shadier every time it’s discussed because some new little detail pops up. She did mention that she was going to have to get a better house, so in her little messed up world inside her head it may make sense to her to just stop paying the mortgage on the current one. I remember a story I heard once about this old lady that had a bunch of children. She didn’t suck off of the taxpayers like a leach though, she just moved into a really big shoe.
big shoe Pictures, Images and Photos
Nadya Suleman Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, February 16, 2009

Diabolique for Dummies

Thanks again to JB for yet another news story that I would have missed otherwise. A 41 yr old transexual female named Christine Newton-John exercised her 73 yr old husband to death. She accomplished this by dragging him through a pool and refusing to allow him to get out of the pool thus resulting in a heart attack, apparently right in front of a surveillance camera. I would think that a 73 yr old man is so close to death anyway that perhaps she could have thought of a way to make his death look more natural and perhaps choose a more private locale for the murder instead of right in front of a f#%&ing camera! Interestingly enough the local authorities haven’t figured out her motive. Hmmmm….let’s think about this for a minute, she’s 41, he’s 73, she’s a trophy transexual and chances are good she has a life insurance policy on him. Although I highly doubt she will see any of those benefits since she decided to off him in front of a f#*%ing camera.
Transexual nurse Pictures, Images and Photos